Founder Toi Nichelle

Toi Nichelle is a native of Los Angeles, California who enjoys writing, publishing and overcoming fears. Her professional goals include, developing as a business liaison to be well equipped in community project development and youth programs; assisting with raising money to distribute scholarships to students of various ages who are entering college for the first time; strengthening her social skills as an individual by connecting with like-minded people who are seeking to improve their personal standards of life; evolve as an inspirational speaker and writer to be the voice for so many young girls and boys who are silenced because of their childhood, ultimately helping them to find their way; and continuing to become a better person who fights with both fists.
In 2007, she established Dream Loud Ink Publishing, which published material to heal our communities, and The Hush Language: A Young Girl’s Breakthrough where she helps to encourage teens who struggle with abuse to move forward.
Toi Nichelle is a recipient of numerous scholarships including, Kennedy King Scholarship, David Schirra Memorial Scholarship, Los Medanos Fund Scholarship and the Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship. She studied at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England for an academic year, while touring through Europe to places like Paris, Italy and Amsterdam.
Toi Nichelle has received her A.A. in Liberal Arts and Humanities from Los Medanos College (2011), and a B.A. in English: Creative Writing from San Francisco State University (2013).
Depression Wears Lipstick is her fourth book in print. Toi Nichelle currently resides in East Bay, California where she is surrounded by awesome friends and a powerful God.